I wrote this back in July...not sure why I never posted it but now that its almost 3 months later -- I am going to hit the publish post button. Doesnt really make sense but gonna do it anyways.
I have not blogged in over 6 months now. I need to start catching up and posting things for myself. I think I cut back or lets just say stopped -- because my mom and Jill were the only people who read my blog. Its cool -- I talk to them like 9,000 times a day and they already know everything that I would post sooooo why tell um twice. Well, I am going to blog now for ME!!! Memories -- fun things to look back on with the ol famdamily.
Dont think I can really catch up the last 6 months or year because there has been way to much going on and I am totally a rambling kinda gal.
I can say that we got tubes put in Logans ears on June 21st and he has since made some progress with his speech. He has a developmental specialist, occupational therapist, and a speech therapist that all come once a week. He is really trying hard to make sounds and today for the first time -- he wanted his juice so he signed more while saying it and then signed please while saying it. This is great progress and I am super proud of the little monster.
Brady has been growing by the second. I cant believe how big this guy is.....hard to treat him like a 3yr old and not a 5yr old. He is such a sweet, gentle, strong willed child who tells his mama I Love You - atleast 30 times a day which I just LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear!
Ryan is amazing like always -- continues to be such a wonderful husband and my best friend. Its crazy how easy marriage is when you are friends and get along so well. He is very patient and understanding with me and I with out a doubt appreciate him.
Life is good!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
What if.......
You talked to your sister 9 billion times in one day. I often wonder if people have the relationship that Jillian and I do. Back in the day when we were in school I didnt care to have conversations with her. Who would have thunk that we would grow up being the best of friends and talk 9 billion times in one day.
If we have not talked by 8:30am in the morning something is wrong. Funny thing is.....even with as much as we do talk - we never really run out of things to say. Jill comes over a lot during the week which the boys and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE. Trenton gets to run around with his buddies and there is actually an adult around during the day to have some meaningless conversations with. If Jill leaves we usually have picked up the phone with in a half hour and are talking again.
I guess it was brought to our attention that we shared soooo much time together when Jill passed her old web cam onto me. She was over earlier in the day and then when she left I called her and we chatted on web cam instead of the phone. At least we could see each other then. Seriously? Seriously! hmmmmm - maybe this is a problem?
I call Jillian every night before I go to bed and we have the best belly laugh conversations. I really should stop doing this - being that I cannot sleep at night and I end up waking up more after I have tears running down my face from laughing so hard. We even make jokes about possibly just leaving the phone on while we go to sleep - knowing that when we wake up we are going to call each other - whispering in the phone ( you awake yet !?!? ) lmao. Ooooohhhh my goodness - this is just too funny! There are soooo many things that we could get accomplished if we didnt talk so much but, to tell ya the truth - its the best of the best of the best times. I wish everyone could have a relationship like we do. I feel for those out there that dont get to experience this fun times and laughs that I do with my bestie sis.
Thats all for now - I have to go call her!!! lol
If we have not talked by 8:30am in the morning something is wrong. Funny thing is.....even with as much as we do talk - we never really run out of things to say. Jill comes over a lot during the week which the boys and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE. Trenton gets to run around with his buddies and there is actually an adult around during the day to have some meaningless conversations with. If Jill leaves we usually have picked up the phone with in a half hour and are talking again.
I guess it was brought to our attention that we shared soooo much time together when Jill passed her old web cam onto me. She was over earlier in the day and then when she left I called her and we chatted on web cam instead of the phone. At least we could see each other then. Seriously? Seriously! hmmmmm - maybe this is a problem?
I call Jillian every night before I go to bed and we have the best belly laugh conversations. I really should stop doing this - being that I cannot sleep at night and I end up waking up more after I have tears running down my face from laughing so hard. We even make jokes about possibly just leaving the phone on while we go to sleep - knowing that when we wake up we are going to call each other - whispering in the phone ( you awake yet !?!? ) lmao. Ooooohhhh my goodness - this is just too funny! There are soooo many things that we could get accomplished if we didnt talk so much but, to tell ya the truth - its the best of the best of the best times. I wish everyone could have a relationship like we do. I feel for those out there that dont get to experience this fun times and laughs that I do with my bestie sis.
Thats all for now - I have to go call her!!! lol
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Welcome -- Maggie Mae McMullen
We were heading out for our normal family grocery shopping trip to Wal-Mart on Sunday late afternoon. As I was driving down Cactus I saw a dog on the south side of the road which appeared to be a puppy. I commented to Ryan....Ahhh, there is a puppy over there. We kept driving and did our grocery shopping which takes about an hour since for some crazy reason we all go together (this is definitely Ryans idea not mine). Anyways I thought to myself that if I see that dog on the way home I might stop and try to help it.
As we left Wal-Mart and headed home....the dog was still in the same spot. I of course felt obligated at this point to stop. Dogs dont usually stay in one spot and not for an hour anyways. My wonderful Ryan jumped out of the car to go over and see the dog. She was very dirty and totally scared. I told Ryan we needed to help her. I got a bottle of water from the car and started pouring it in front of her so she could have a drink. A very thirsty little gal started drinking the water. Ryan at the time was probably hoping that we would drive away -- never know what you are going to have to invest in a stray dog just to help it find its home again. I left Ryan on the side of the road with the dog and went to Jill's to grab a leash. I didn't want us to pick her up with how dirty she was and not knowing if she was going to bite us. We borrowed some dog food from Jill and headed home where we placed her in the back yard. This dog would not eat and just laid around. I went outside often to pet her and talk to her letting her know I am going to help her and find her home. She would get up and walk away from me every time I came outside.
I knew she was an older dog due to her gray hair around the mouth....so, I thought she possibly was dying or was depressed from loosing her owner.
After 2 days of no eating and no movement - I finally got her to lap up some chicken broth which brought a smile to my face.
I called Dales pet grooming to see if I could bring her in and get her a bath so she could come in the house and be more comfortable. I explained the situation to them and they said they would bath her. They looked her over and found a spot on her neck that was bloody. Well turns out that spot was a hole the size of the end of my pinky -- and I have big hands. She had been bit by something and her neck was so swollen and bruised that they said that they cant bath her right now till she is seen by a vet. Wonderful Jillian came over and helped me out the following day so I could take her to the mobile vet. They think maybe a coyote got her and she was lucky to get away. Put her on some medicine for the infection and pain pills.
For some reason after I got home she was excited to get in the back yard and ate a little more broth. I started her meds right away in hopes that she would feel a little better.
The dog started eating more so, I offered some dog food that I had softened with hot water and a little wet dog food. As the week went on so did her progress. I had made an appointment with Jill's vet to follow up and possibly see if there was anything else she needed since the first visit is free. They shaved her neck where she was bit and the bruising was continuing to go away as well as the swelling. I asked him if she could have a bath and he gave me the thumbs up. Sooooo....I called Dales and made an appointment that day. When I went to go pick her up she was a new dog. It was just like she had a day at the spa and was a new women. Leaping around....her hair was so soft and you could tell that she was feeling soooo much better.
She got to stay inside now and was so excited to be with us. I put her on 3 different web sites in hopes to find her owner. I checked her for a chip - she had no collar to begin with and I drove around the area I found her multiple times looking for a lost dog sign.
Well.....we now have a new member to our family. She has miles on her for sure but, she is such an amazing dog. Ryan and I had talked about getting a puppy in the next year which is pretty crazy being that my plate is beyond full. She does not shed, she does not bark - unless you ring the door bell, she is good with the boys and I just love her. We decided to name her Maggie Mae McMullen. She obviously is very grateful for us saving her -- she follows me all around the house and lays in the laundry room when I leave waiting for me to come back through the door. She listens very good and is house broken.
I feel like she is a little blessing and was put there for me/us to find. She is great for our family. Like most kids -- Brady has a hard time staying in his bed before he falls asleep -- coming out for multiple reasons. Last night I had Maggie jump up on the end of his bed and told her to stay till he went to sleep. Brady never came out of his room and she stayed there until I came and got her. What a sweet little angel we have been blessed with to join our family. I cant tell you enough how good it feels to know that we saved this little girl and how much extra joy she brings into our lives. I hope we get to enjoy her for years. Hard to say how old she is but, we will love her as long as she has.
Many Thanks to my husband for just going with the flow and letting her be a part of our family. I appreciate him helping me get her home and being so supportive. I also could not have helped her out as much if Mom and Jill didn't help. Mom picked her up a bed from Costco along with a pooper scooper and dog bones from Pet Smart. Jillian of course helped me out by coming over to the house so I could run around town multiple days trying to fix our girl. Its so great to have so many amazing people in my life so willing to help me with anything. Maggie is very thankful for you guys as well as I am.

This is what she looked like before!

This is what our girl looks like now! Pictures really dont do any justice to the amazing changes.
As we left Wal-Mart and headed home....the dog was still in the same spot. I of course felt obligated at this point to stop. Dogs dont usually stay in one spot and not for an hour anyways. My wonderful Ryan jumped out of the car to go over and see the dog. She was very dirty and totally scared. I told Ryan we needed to help her. I got a bottle of water from the car and started pouring it in front of her so she could have a drink. A very thirsty little gal started drinking the water. Ryan at the time was probably hoping that we would drive away -- never know what you are going to have to invest in a stray dog just to help it find its home again. I left Ryan on the side of the road with the dog and went to Jill's to grab a leash. I didn't want us to pick her up with how dirty she was and not knowing if she was going to bite us. We borrowed some dog food from Jill and headed home where we placed her in the back yard. This dog would not eat and just laid around. I went outside often to pet her and talk to her letting her know I am going to help her and find her home. She would get up and walk away from me every time I came outside.
I knew she was an older dog due to her gray hair around the mouth....so, I thought she possibly was dying or was depressed from loosing her owner.
After 2 days of no eating and no movement - I finally got her to lap up some chicken broth which brought a smile to my face.
I called Dales pet grooming to see if I could bring her in and get her a bath so she could come in the house and be more comfortable. I explained the situation to them and they said they would bath her. They looked her over and found a spot on her neck that was bloody. Well turns out that spot was a hole the size of the end of my pinky -- and I have big hands. She had been bit by something and her neck was so swollen and bruised that they said that they cant bath her right now till she is seen by a vet. Wonderful Jillian came over and helped me out the following day so I could take her to the mobile vet. They think maybe a coyote got her and she was lucky to get away. Put her on some medicine for the infection and pain pills.
For some reason after I got home she was excited to get in the back yard and ate a little more broth. I started her meds right away in hopes that she would feel a little better.
The dog started eating more so, I offered some dog food that I had softened with hot water and a little wet dog food. As the week went on so did her progress. I had made an appointment with Jill's vet to follow up and possibly see if there was anything else she needed since the first visit is free. They shaved her neck where she was bit and the bruising was continuing to go away as well as the swelling. I asked him if she could have a bath and he gave me the thumbs up. Sooooo....I called Dales and made an appointment that day. When I went to go pick her up she was a new dog. It was just like she had a day at the spa and was a new women. Leaping around....her hair was so soft and you could tell that she was feeling soooo much better.
She got to stay inside now and was so excited to be with us. I put her on 3 different web sites in hopes to find her owner. I checked her for a chip - she had no collar to begin with and I drove around the area I found her multiple times looking for a lost dog sign.
Well.....we now have a new member to our family. She has miles on her for sure but, she is such an amazing dog. Ryan and I had talked about getting a puppy in the next year which is pretty crazy being that my plate is beyond full. She does not shed, she does not bark - unless you ring the door bell, she is good with the boys and I just love her. We decided to name her Maggie Mae McMullen. She obviously is very grateful for us saving her -- she follows me all around the house and lays in the laundry room when I leave waiting for me to come back through the door. She listens very good and is house broken.
I feel like she is a little blessing and was put there for me/us to find. She is great for our family. Like most kids -- Brady has a hard time staying in his bed before he falls asleep -- coming out for multiple reasons. Last night I had Maggie jump up on the end of his bed and told her to stay till he went to sleep. Brady never came out of his room and she stayed there until I came and got her. What a sweet little angel we have been blessed with to join our family. I cant tell you enough how good it feels to know that we saved this little girl and how much extra joy she brings into our lives. I hope we get to enjoy her for years. Hard to say how old she is but, we will love her as long as she has.
Many Thanks to my husband for just going with the flow and letting her be a part of our family. I appreciate him helping me get her home and being so supportive. I also could not have helped her out as much if Mom and Jill didn't help. Mom picked her up a bed from Costco along with a pooper scooper and dog bones from Pet Smart. Jillian of course helped me out by coming over to the house so I could run around town multiple days trying to fix our girl. Its so great to have so many amazing people in my life so willing to help me with anything. Maggie is very thankful for you guys as well as I am.
This is what she looked like before!
This is what our girl looks like now! Pictures really dont do any justice to the amazing changes.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
October where did you go???
Its obviously common and we all go thru it but, time is flying by soooo fast in my life right now. I cannot believe that October has come and gone.
*At the beginning of the month Vicky and her daughter Chloe came and visited which was great. Always enjoy seeing Vicky and it has been forever since I saw Chloe -- she has grown up so much!

*I ran the 3mile race for the cure with the wonderful Kristi. We did great and finished at the front with the pack.

*Ryan went out of town for a few days which is always hard for me -- soooo my hero Matthew came and stayed with me one night when I got spooked. He would fight off any of the bad men that were standing in my showers waiting to kill me (or so my mind makes me think).
*We went to the state fair where we enjoyed the ol corn dog on a stick and some Indian fry bread. We only get to partake in these wonderful,greasy,give me a muffin top items once a year so we enjoyed. Brady didn't want to try out any of the rides so we just walked around and enjoyed the scenery. Love to people watch at the fair -- it brings in a whole to crowd of people ya just didn't know really existed.

*Then of course there is Halloween! We went to a pumpkin patch where Brady got to pick out his pumpkin and then a family one was also picked. Logan can pick his own next year. Ryan and I got nominated to have people over to our house for Halloween so our friends came over with their kids 13 kids total to be exact and 10 adults. This number included Jill and the boys which was super fun since they are not into Halloween. Always love having the ol sister around when things are going on. Everyone brought a little something to shmack on that was mexican themed. We played a quick ghost poop race game and off we went trick or treating. Mom stayed home and passed out candy to the neighborhood kids.
Logan was a bee and and angry bee for that matter. He really was not interested in having the bee costume on at all. He didn't want to go up and ask for candy, instead he wanted to run around everywhere he wasn't suppose to -- like the street. I failed to bring the stroller - needless to say -- my arms were on fire. Brady was a pirate and truly enjoyed Halloween this year. He would run up to doors and say arrrr trick or treat. Just the way a true pirate would do. Came home and mom had cleaned up all the dishes and the kitchen from the mess that we all had made. Thanks Mom!!! I will make sure she is here for all parties to come. It was such a treat...Mom your the best!!
This sums up October -- I AGAIN....am going to try and do a better job about blogging. Its very hard for me to sit long enough to make a post so most of them will be short and sweet. November is already interesting and full of excitement. I am excited about the next post which will be introducing Maggie Mae!!!

Can you tell which one Ryan carved???

Sleeping after our big night out on Halloween!
*At the beginning of the month Vicky and her daughter Chloe came and visited which was great. Always enjoy seeing Vicky and it has been forever since I saw Chloe -- she has grown up so much!
*I ran the 3mile race for the cure with the wonderful Kristi. We did great and finished at the front with the pack.

*Ryan went out of town for a few days which is always hard for me -- soooo my hero Matthew came and stayed with me one night when I got spooked. He would fight off any of the bad men that were standing in my showers waiting to kill me (or so my mind makes me think).
*We went to the state fair where we enjoyed the ol corn dog on a stick and some Indian fry bread. We only get to partake in these wonderful,greasy,give me a muffin top items once a year so we enjoyed. Brady didn't want to try out any of the rides so we just walked around and enjoyed the scenery. Love to people watch at the fair -- it brings in a whole to crowd of people ya just didn't know really existed.
*Then of course there is Halloween! We went to a pumpkin patch where Brady got to pick out his pumpkin and then a family one was also picked. Logan can pick his own next year. Ryan and I got nominated to have people over to our house for Halloween so our friends came over with their kids 13 kids total to be exact and 10 adults. This number included Jill and the boys which was super fun since they are not into Halloween. Always love having the ol sister around when things are going on. Everyone brought a little something to shmack on that was mexican themed. We played a quick ghost poop race game and off we went trick or treating. Mom stayed home and passed out candy to the neighborhood kids.
Logan was a bee and and angry bee for that matter. He really was not interested in having the bee costume on at all. He didn't want to go up and ask for candy, instead he wanted to run around everywhere he wasn't suppose to -- like the street. I failed to bring the stroller - needless to say -- my arms were on fire. Brady was a pirate and truly enjoyed Halloween this year. He would run up to doors and say arrrr trick or treat. Just the way a true pirate would do. Came home and mom had cleaned up all the dishes and the kitchen from the mess that we all had made. Thanks Mom!!! I will make sure she is here for all parties to come. It was such a treat...Mom your the best!!
This sums up October -- I AGAIN....am going to try and do a better job about blogging. Its very hard for me to sit long enough to make a post so most of them will be short and sweet. November is already interesting and full of excitement. I am excited about the next post which will be introducing Maggie Mae!!!
Can you tell which one Ryan carved???
Sleeping after our big night out on Halloween!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Our rugrats!!!
Its cooling off a bit and went outside to play the other day with our girl Paige. It always seems to end up that the kids get in the water or get so dirty that we just hose them off! Here are some fun pics of the kids running around naked.

Also went over to Jills house the other day and just started shooting some pictures of the boys while they were outside. We are trying very hard to learn our cameras and be in control but, I think we have come to realize and discover that the auto in our camera has a lot more experience than we do. Just some fun photos of our rugrats to share!!! Enjoy!

This is some heavy duty armor that Matt has made for Branden!!!!

My Logan is such a cuddly little guy!!! I just love it!!!
Also went over to Jills house the other day and just started shooting some pictures of the boys while they were outside. We are trying very hard to learn our cameras and be in control but, I think we have come to realize and discover that the auto in our camera has a lot more experience than we do. Just some fun photos of our rugrats to share!!! Enjoy!
This is some heavy duty armor that Matt has made for Branden!!!!
My Logan is such a cuddly little guy!!! I just love it!!!
Update on running!!!
Soooo....I have this terrible head cold right now that is keeping me from running! This SUCKS!!! I have been so good about not missing a run or a jog for our training and now since I feel like I have been hit by a 2x4 in the head -- I have missed the last two days of our runs. We are suppose to run 6 miles this weekend. How the heck am I suppose to do that!?!?!? Not to mention that I feel like a beached whale. Its so funny what a couple days of not working out/excersising can do to your mind/body. I hope this passes soon so I can be back on track. We are going to run the 3 mile Susan G. Komen race for the cure on the 11th of October. Feeling really good about this run and not to mention its for a great cause. Hope everyone who reads this will run/walk it with us.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sassy here we come!!!
Jillian and I went shopping last week and headed over to Buckle to find some jeans. We can only buy jeans at Buckle because they so graciously cater to us tall folks by making jeans with a 37 1/2 inch inseam. We loaded up my two boys and Trenton and off we went with jeans on our mind. We justified buying a new pair each since we have not bought a new pair of jeans in like ummmm....5 years. Its quite obvious that styles have changed since then and although we tend to not care that much about being super trendy -- it would be fun to sport some sassy, sexy, stylish jeans.
We tried on about 10 pairs each -- I might have a couple more under my belt but, with a lot of time and sweat and tired, hungry, whinning babies...I found a great pair of jeans and Jill found -- NOTHING!!! Sad day for her! But, at these prices...you better feel you sparkle like diamonds in the sky when you put these babies on or they will be left on the shelf.
As I was checking out -- I happen to glance over and saw this shirt that I just knew I was going to LOVE!!! I walked over and unfolded this shirt made by Affliction that is so the uhmmmm.....cant even think of the right words but, its just the rough side of my personality with a little bling to it. Its soooo not a sweet, danty, etsy look which dont get me wrong I love. I glanced at the price tag and it was $68.50 -- OMG...are you kidding me -- for one shirt!!! Will this shirt rub my shoulders and back after pulling it over my head!?!?!? Anyways..I went home and told Ryan all about the shirt and I just cant stop thinking about it.
We went back later that night and my WONDERFUL HUBBY let me buy it since I still had birthday money left over that I never spent back in May. Please see picture below!!

There are a lot of girls/women out there who would totally not sport this shirt but, I planned on rocking it out with some fun boots and exsesories. I placed this $68.50 shirt in my closet and let it sit for a couple days. I got a size medium and it fit good but, a smidge snugger than I would like around the chest and arm pit area. If you know me -- you know I do NOT like to wear sleeves and have a hard time with shirts that are so tight they are all up in my pits. Makes me uncomfortable for some reason -- I like to have my arms free like a bird. lol
Long story short....I loaded the boys up today and I took that $68.50 fabulous shirt that I HADE TO HAVE back to Buckle and bought three new shirts for the price of that one. I am sooooo excited about my new purchases that I just had to share them. I went over to Heart & Soul which is new in Arrowehead Mall but, they have a store up in Prescott that I have glaced at many times. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE my new purchases BUT -- I can put a picture of them up right now because you will not get the same effect if they are laying on my counter or on a hanger. They have to be on me to share them with you. Its the little things in life that bring great joy into my heart. I am totally not a fashionable person and I envy those who are (Candace aka: Brooke Masters)with love in my heart. I just dont have the sassy fashion in me or the denaro to be that sassy. I tell ya what -- it costs a lot of flippin money to be up to date with fashions and do it right. I guess thats why I am excited about the new purchase. Soooo.....sassy pictures of muah will be posted soon!!! This should be exciting!! lol
We tried on about 10 pairs each -- I might have a couple more under my belt but, with a lot of time and sweat and tired, hungry, whinning babies...I found a great pair of jeans and Jill found -- NOTHING!!! Sad day for her! But, at these prices...you better feel you sparkle like diamonds in the sky when you put these babies on or they will be left on the shelf.
As I was checking out -- I happen to glance over and saw this shirt that I just knew I was going to LOVE!!! I walked over and unfolded this shirt made by Affliction that is so the uhmmmm.....cant even think of the right words but, its just the rough side of my personality with a little bling to it. Its soooo not a sweet, danty, etsy look which dont get me wrong I love. I glanced at the price tag and it was $68.50 -- OMG...are you kidding me -- for one shirt!!! Will this shirt rub my shoulders and back after pulling it over my head!?!?!? Anyways..I went home and told Ryan all about the shirt and I just cant stop thinking about it.
We went back later that night and my WONDERFUL HUBBY let me buy it since I still had birthday money left over that I never spent back in May. Please see picture below!!

There are a lot of girls/women out there who would totally not sport this shirt but, I planned on rocking it out with some fun boots and exsesories. I placed this $68.50 shirt in my closet and let it sit for a couple days. I got a size medium and it fit good but, a smidge snugger than I would like around the chest and arm pit area. If you know me -- you know I do NOT like to wear sleeves and have a hard time with shirts that are so tight they are all up in my pits. Makes me uncomfortable for some reason -- I like to have my arms free like a bird. lol
Long story short....I loaded the boys up today and I took that $68.50 fabulous shirt that I HADE TO HAVE back to Buckle and bought three new shirts for the price of that one. I am sooooo excited about my new purchases that I just had to share them. I went over to Heart & Soul which is new in Arrowehead Mall but, they have a store up in Prescott that I have glaced at many times. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE my new purchases BUT -- I can put a picture of them up right now because you will not get the same effect if they are laying on my counter or on a hanger. They have to be on me to share them with you. Its the little things in life that bring great joy into my heart. I am totally not a fashionable person and I envy those who are (Candace aka: Brooke Masters)with love in my heart. I just dont have the sassy fashion in me or the denaro to be that sassy. I tell ya what -- it costs a lot of flippin money to be up to date with fashions and do it right. I guess thats why I am excited about the new purchase. Soooo.....sassy pictures of muah will be posted soon!!! This should be exciting!! lol
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