Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Classes starting NOW!!!

For all of those who have visited the Smith's Blog....I appreciate your time and the amazing calls to congratulate Jillian and I on our talent. The request for sing-o-grams are so appreciated and overwhelming that my heart is just full for Neil Smith acting as an agent.

Due to my love for children and being that Neil and Laura just recently were blessed with little Tyler -- I thought it would only be appropriate to start branching out and teaching children how to do their own singing and dancing routines. I keep the classes very small so the children get special one on one attention.

Neil and Laura -- To show my appreciation to you -- Tyler will get these classes free for 6 months for all your help.

Classes are filling up fast, so make sure your children are not left behind.

Please preview my advance sing-o-gram class below. As you can see....totally worth your time and money.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Night before last I was doing my usual -- check on the boys and tuck them in one more time before I headed to bed myself. I first checked on Logan who was sound asleep and looking soooo peaceful and sweet. I then went into Brady's room where I usually take out a couple toys that he has taken to bed with him and below is what I found.
Now....I am sure that some might be offended that I would post such a picture but, Im ok with that. Brady of course is my first child and being that he is a boy is fabulous but, good gravy! It starts at such a young age. I called Ryan into the room and we both chuckled and snapped a couple of photos. I have a feeling that there are going to be some funny story's to follow with having boys. Gotta love it!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Love Thy Neighbor!!!

Sooooo....Ryan is out of town this WHOLE week for work and a little pleasure. He is in Vegas for a conference and then his birthday is this Friday so, he decided to stay a couple extra days to make some bets on basketball games. Ryan and I are both big fans of Vegas so, I am happy that he gets to get a chance to get away and enjoy himself. Of course -- I wish I was there with him because I miss him sooo much but, I am not ready to leave my bambinos yet. happens to be St. Patricks day and my WONDERFUL neighbors/friends -- took a stroll down to mi casa and brought there friend Jose for me to meet personally. was a pre-made bottle of Margaritas. Ahhhh........
Had a couple fun conversations outside with them and off they went. Kristi came back for a few min and we chatted. I tell ya what....we seriously have some of "The Best" neighbors ever. We feel so lucky, and blessed to have moved into such a nice neighborhood and found new friends. Thanks to Kristi and Kevin for thinking of me last night and letting me see some adults while Ryan is away. You guys are great!!
Kristi also told me that Jose is not leaving town for another day so, she may bring him over tonight again to visit!!! Tee Hee

You have to love how Kevin placed the nicely salted glasses in-between the rugs in front of the Car-Seats in the Mini Van --- in order to keep the salt on them!!! That's Great!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Loving those Toes!

I sat down on the ground yesterday to paint my toe nails. Brady was soooo very interested in what I was doing. I explained to him that I was painting my toes. He lifted up his foot and kept saying....toe, toe. I told him this was only for Mommy but, he continued to say...toe, toe - while pointing to his own feet.
I thought....what the heck. So I painted my little mans toes. After I was done I was blowing on them so they would dry quickly and of course Brady brought his foot up to his mouth and started helping with the blowing. Ryan of course was mortified when he got home and saw his sons toes. He also told me to not blog about it or let anyone else see them. Sorry Honey!!!
I think he looks cute!!!

I apologize for the close up of my horrible looking feet!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Brady is 2 years old!!

It has been super busy around the McMullen house but, then again -- when is it not busy. Our big boy Brady turned 2 years on the 26th of February and I am totally in disbelief that we are already here. Where has the time gone?? There is no way possible to put into words the feelings and love that I/We have for Brady. He truly is an amazing child. He makes us laugh all the time and of course -- keeps us on our toes.
I think I also feel like it has gone by so fast due to Brady's size. He is only 2 years old and is about the size of a 3 1/2 year old. He is not fat by any means but, rather just a solid 36 pounds. He is the reason I can keep my girlish figure by packing him around - one or two lifts a day and ya have a full body work out.
He is so smart and amazes me every day with the things he understands and picks up. His speech has taken a giant leap in the last two weeks and he says the cutest things ( or trys to anyways ).
I am sure if you know Brady he has made you bust a gut a time or two while hanging out with him. He has to be one of the most dramatic children with his expressions.
He listens very well for his age and aside from an occasional temper tantrum he is a very happy child who just loves to be alive.
Brady has made a connection between Ryan and I that is indescribable. If there was no Brady there may not be a Ryan and Lindsey. I know that God sent this little angel to us/me for more reasons than I can explain. This little man makes me sooo proud of him every day and I love being a mom, more and more every time I wake up and get to see his shining face. I could go on and on about my love for our Brady.
I am so blessed to have Brady for a son and Thank God everyday that his sweet soul is ours. Ryan and I have created an amazing child who we are so proud to be his Mommy and Daddy.

10 Things that I LOVE that Brady does or says:

1) Love ya chew
2) Ohhhh Noooo
3) Plays in his crib for a good half hour before he wants out of bed
4) Goes to the pantry taps his finger on his chin and says hmmmmm.....
5) Puts his hand over his ear and says...whats tat
6) Signs Thank You when someone does something for him
7) Says Bye and waves if he needs the ok to do something
8) Sings and dances with me
9) Yells Hi when I walk in his room to get him up
10) Takes Logan a toy and says shhhh if he is sad

I took Brady to the Children's Museum the day of his birthday and then later that night we took him over to Chuckie Cheese so, here are some photos of his big day!