Saturday, August 30, 2008

Im an official blogger!!!!

Im soooo excited to get my own blog up and running! My sister has had one for quite some time and a friend of ours Shelly helped me get started like ages ago with a blog but, sad to say that it kinda got a little messed up. Hopefully I will be able to one day have a really cute blog out there like a lot of others I have seen but, in the mean time.....this is what I have come up with. I have so much to write and feel like I am so behind the 8 ball that I should just recap the last three years of my life. I am not going to however, but dont be surprised if you see some posts from the past.
I thought it would only be appropriate to make my first post about the most important people in my life and thats my beautiful family. I should start with my husband Ryan, he helped create our wonderful family and make such amazing children. I am sure that there are a lot of people out in this world that feel this way BUT....I have the most amazing husband. He truly is an incredible person and brings the very best out of me every day of my life. I feel so blessed that he asked me to be his wife and that we have created two adorable children. Ryan, is my very best friend in this world. He truly is undescribable, along with the feelings that I have for him. We met about 6 years ago at work, where he has climed the ladder and is now the Regional Manager of the corporation. At the time we met...I was currently in a relationship with a total loser! I am sure my mom and sister are saying AMEN right now. I had my head way too far up my rear end at the time ( sorry for the visual ) but, saw so many great qualities in Ryan. I knew that he was the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with but, felt so flippin trapped in this dumb, emotionally abusive relationship. We dated for a while when I was on the outs with my boyfriend at the time. Ryan showed me how a woman deserves to be treated. I had never felt so important and loved before in my life. I suppose this blog could be like 12 pages long so, I will shorten it up to the cliff notes HOPEFULLY!!!! Long story short...I no longer worked at RSI but, Ryan and I continued to stay friends and dated people here and there till the winter of 2005. Ahhh the winter of 2005...when Ryan and I started to talk again in a more serious level. We became pregnant with Brady on June 3rd. I will never forget the day we found out we were going to have a baby. We were both scared at first but, were ready to take on this challenge. Well, this challenge ended up to be a beautiful miracle. I cannot put in to words the joy, happiness, laughter, etc. that our Brady brings to us. I always knew that I wanted children, and thought that I knew what it was like to have them. WRONG!!! Its 100 times better. The love that I have for my kids is absolutely indescribable. Im sure that all parents ( mothers ) feel the same way. Brady has made mine and Ryans relationship sooo much stronger. He is a spitting image of his daddy yet, is totally like his mommy when it comes to his attitude. I could go on and on about all the love and feelings that we have for Brady. When Brady was 6 months old, we tried for our second baby and hit the jack pot with Logan. Talk about the easiest baby I have ever met. I was concerned when I was pregnant that I wouldnt be able to love Logan like I do Brady....being that he was our only one and didnt know any better.Wrong again!!! He makes us all smile soooo much. He just sits back and lets his brother run the show, when he really needs something like, food or a diaper change he lets us know but, besides that...he just loves to be around. God has blessed us in so many ways. I/we have two healthy, beautiful little boys that touch our hearts every day. Ryan is an amazing daddy! I truly feel like I couldnt ask for a better life. I remember when my mom met Ryan for the first time and told me....He is a keeper for sure! Well, I plan on keeping him for all time and eternity. This is the cliff notes of how the McMullen Bunch got started and will continue to grow. Hope you enjoy our memories to come.


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! We are so happy you have started to blog :-)
Love your layout!! The slide show was so fun to watch. Now keep up with it :)

Love you bunches and look forward to your next post.

Strong Family

David and Brianna Strong said...

Awwwww! Man you and Jill write the most tearjerking blogs ever! I love it! Total estrogen fest :) I will have to step up my game someday.
Anyways, you DO have a beautiful family and I can't wait to hang out again! Game night, perhaps?

Grandma said...

Very fun! Keep it up, deary.



PS -- He IS a keeper!

Angie said...

Congrats on your blog success! I love your blog! It's so exciting to see your adorable family! Good luck with your future posts.

JuliaCotten said...

The music and reading that made me cry. That is very sweet. The slideshow, love the pictures of the boys! Your a wonderful women and you are a wonderful mom.


The Madoyis said...

You definitely got a good one, however, my brother got a keeper too. Im happy your guys are doing so great, and that our relationship (as inlaws and friends) is developing also.

Linda B said...

Dearest Linds,
You make a mother-in-law proud...and teary! We are so blessed to include you in the family; I couldn't have ordered a sweeter daughter-in-love. And you 2 do make beautiful babies. They are the light of their Nana's life; and so are their daddy and mommy! Love you much sweetheart...

Christine Tax said...

Okay so I know that I am late on the comment and I know how you feel about them. I am excited to be part of the blogging world with you. I am truly blessed to have you in my life and I do not know what I would do without you!
love you!