Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Silly Dancing

Brady is quite the character. He LOVES to dance. One of his favorite shows that he enjoys watching is Wow Wow Wubzy. He will come racing in from the other room if he hears the theme song. He then runs in place really fast yelling go go go....its so much fun to watch. There are many times that I join in on the fun and run with him. Kate and Connor (kids I watch daily) joined in one day so, I thought I would share the fun. Its not their best performance but those are hard to get on video.


karendunker said...

Wow, what a fun place to hang out and discover and explore for both the kids and the adults to play too :) Looks like the gang had a fabulous time at the museum!!! Great Pics!

Grandma said...

Way cute! Lucky kids to have such a fun adult in their lives.



PS -- But have you flossed? :-)

brooke said...

Awww...I love it!! Can't wait to see you all in person! My girls love that show too...

Anonymous said...

Good PS question Mom because if you haven't Lindsey you could get gingivitis which is an irritation of the gums. It is usually caused by bacterial plaque that accumulates in the small gaps between the gums and the teeth and by calculus (tartar) that forms on the teeth. These accumulations may be tiny, even microscopic, but the bacteria in them produce foreign chemicals and toxins that cause inflammation of the gums around the teeth.
So you should seriously stop posting and go floss your teeth!! It is all about priorities.

Christine Tax said...

I love it! You always take such good care of them! They love going over to your house. THanks for being so grat with them! You will never know how much that means.