A brief catch up with just some bullet points:
*Logan turned one year old on May 8th. Where the heck has the time gone??? We love him so much...he and Brady are becoming great buddies and he truly is a blessing.
*Jillian turned 32 -- my mom and I took her out for dinner at Postinos and then surprised her with a little country dancing which was a BLAST! We had a great time.
*Carter turned 5 -- seriously....its truly ridiculous how fast our kids grow up. I cannot believe that he is already 5 years old. Love you buddy!! You are a super special little man to your Aunt Lindsey.
This would be the special classic day that I by no means can leave off of the blog. Ryan and I got married on 07/07/07. Now, I wanted to do something fun and DIFFERENT for Ryan that he would never guess I was planning. Let me just say....I accomplished this in flying colors.
I was talking with my fabulous girlfriend Julia, discussing with her some ideas that she might have for the big day. She told me that on fathers day she took Brett (her husband) over to Turf Soaring to have a fun adventure in a glider. Well, at first I thought....hmmmm....not sure if Ryan would really think it was fun but, at least it is something he has NEVER done and can say that he did it in life. So, Jillian was wonderful and agreed to watch the boys for us so I could take Ryan out for this fun day.
We arrived at the Turf Soaring and I could read on Ryans face that he was a little nervous after seeing the contraption that he was going to be sitting in and not to mention it was way flippin hot out. If you have never been to Turf Soaring which I am sure most have not -- let me lay it out for you a little. Its right behind a trailer park, there is a bird that sits on a line right above the stairs that if you dont walk fast enough -- it might poop on you, the people are quite elderly, (but very nice) and I felt like a millionaire walking up to pay. Anyways....Ryan and I walked out to the glider with these smiles that were from ear to ear on our faces -- not because we were so happy yet, totally freaked out and trying to think positive. I wished him luck and off they went.
I went and sat under the tree were this young girl about 9 years old came and sat down with me. She lived over in the trailer park and comes over every day to empty the garbage's and helps out. She probably had not brushed her hair or her teeth in days but, that didnt matter - she was very nice and pleasant to talk to while waiting for Ryan to be done. All of the sudden she says to me.....Oh boy -- there coming in --he must have puked! I said really you think so. Oh yeah -- there coming in fast he puked. They do a very fast landing and she pipes up again and says -- yup -- theres his puke bag!!!!
It never even dawned on me that Ryan has a weak stomach and would get air sick. Oh geeezzzzz -- now I feel like a flippin moron. Ryan walks over to me and he is just drenched from head to toe in sweat. He was white as a ghost. The guy who went up with him says....let me get his flying booklet for him before you leave. I told Ryan to go sit in the car and relax and I will get the booklet. At this point I could care less about this booklet and just want to go take care of Ryan.
Well, a long story short on the glider -- Ryan felt like crap the rest of the day. We drove out and had to stop at Lowes for about 45 min sitting on their patio furniture in order for him to not feel so dizzy and want to vomit again. I kept telling him that we should just go home but, he was insistent that we go to Firebirds and eat our favorite meals.
I talked to Jill while sitting at Lowes and she was just busting a gut. You really have to hear the story in person but, this little girl going on and on next to me all hillbillyish that Ryan had thrown up was seriously funny. We got home and Ryan went and laid on the bed for most of the evening. He came out a little before the boys were going to go to bed and we started playing with them. I was just telling Brady to go in the play room and we will play for a little while. I gave him a big tight squeeze and he vomited over my right shoulder all over my back. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I am thinking -- I just squeezed my son so tight that I made him vomit. Well, after that Brady kept saying I puke I puke and ran to the toilet. He never threw up so we thought he was playing around. After the 7th time of him doing this I finally said -- now thats enough -- its time for bed no more playing! He bursted out in tears and said he needed to puke sooooo I picked him out of bed and took him into the restroom where he vomited and vomited and vomited. He threw up so much that he started to not be able to get his breath and got scared so he picked his head up and then vomited all over the toilet and not just in it. We moved Bradys mattress into our room next to my side of the bed where he threw up every 20 min until about 1am. The next morning Brady was great -- got it all out of his system and I was on the couch the whole day feeling sicker than a dog. Couldnt eat anything and dry heaved a couple times. This is truly a day and night that will never be forgotten and we can now look back and laugh about it. Ryan told me later that day that he is kinda a back seat guy and I really dont need to do wild and adventurous things for him -- he likes doing the same things over and over. Note taken!!! Happy Anniversary Honey!!!!
Wahahahahahaha! Ryan's one and only glider experience confirms that, although Dean thinks I would enjoy that adventure, tain't never gonna happen!!!! But 5 stars, Linny, for thinking of something special. As you say, you WILL always remember that weekend.
Big hugs,
I am so sorry for saying "It's AWESOME he would love it." I felt so bad when you told me how your anniversary ended up. You both will have some story in years to come. :0 :) :)
Almost September -- Lins -- sit, blog -- your boys are sooooooo precious -- capture those moments for us'uns to enjoy!
Big hugs,
That day was one of the funniest days ever!!! I will replay that phone conversation in my head over and over for years to come. I couldn't stop laughing for hours. Okay it has been like almost three months again - lets get some story telling going. Pictures of my boys please :-)
Hey -- Linny -- More, more, more, we need more! I post every three months just isn't cutting it.
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