I think I also feel like it has gone by so fast due to Brady's size. He is only 2 years old and is about the size of a 3 1/2 year old. He is not fat by any means but, rather just a solid 36 pounds. He is the reason I can keep my girlish figure by packing him around - one or two lifts a day and ya have a full body work out.
He is so smart and amazes me every day with the things he understands and picks up. His speech has taken a giant leap in the last two weeks and he says the cutest things ( or trys to anyways ).
I am sure if you know Brady he has made you bust a gut a time or two while hanging out with him. He has to be one of the most dramatic children with his expressions.
He listens very well for his age and aside from an occasional temper tantrum he is a very happy child who just loves to be alive.
Brady has made a connection between Ryan and I that is indescribable. If there was no Brady there may not be a Ryan and Lindsey. I know that God sent this little angel to us/me for more reasons than I can explain. This little man makes me sooo proud of him every day and I love being a mom, more and more every time I wake up and get to see his shining face. I could go on and on about my love for our Brady.
I am so blessed to have Brady for a son and Thank God everyday that his sweet soul is ours. Ryan and I have created an amazing child who we are so proud to be his Mommy and Daddy.
10 Things that I LOVE that Brady does or says:
1) Love ya chew
2) Ohhhh Noooo
3) Plays in his crib for a good half hour before he wants out of bed
4) Goes to the pantry taps his finger on his chin and says hmmmmm.....
5) Puts his hand over his ear and says...whats tat
6) Signs Thank You when someone does something for him
7) Says Bye and waves if he needs the ok to do something
8) Sings and dances with me
9) Yells Hi when I walk in his room to get him up
10) Takes Logan a toy and says shhhh if he is sad
I took Brady to the Children's Museum the day of his birthday and then later that night we took him over to Chuckie Cheese so, here are some photos of his big day!
#11 - Falls on top of a toy if he doesn't want someone else to play with it and guards it with his large sturdy body. (this really should be #1 it is THE funniest thing ever)
#12 - When we ask you "can you be nice?" after being in a timeout and you answer "KAY"
#13 - When you run into our house looking for the boys just ready to give them the biggest hugs and let them know how excited you are to play with them.
Brady we love you bunches too. You are such a fun guy and we love that you are starting to say so many fun things. Big hugs and kisses to you.
Uncle Doug, Aunt Jim, Matt, Branden, Carcar and Trenton.
Carter would like to request that you slow down on getting bigger and not pass him up :)
seriously i love this boy of yours....he is hilarious! for the rest of my life i will remember that night you guys came over and him chasing and copying the ladies...best thing i have seen.ever! any time i get down i think of that and it definitely brings the smiles!
#14 -- Makes his grandma smile even after a hard day at work!
#15 -- picks up oranges in grandma's backyard.
#16 -- is such a precious addition to our family and has enabled his mama to grow into being a wonderful parent (his dad isn't bad, either!)
What a treasure you are, Brady boy, and you are adored!
Grandma W
It looks like you had lots of fun for your birthday Brady. I can't believe how much he has grown Lindsey.
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