Thursday, March 12, 2009

Loving those Toes!

I sat down on the ground yesterday to paint my toe nails. Brady was soooo very interested in what I was doing. I explained to him that I was painting my toes. He lifted up his foot and kept saying....toe, toe. I told him this was only for Mommy but, he continued to say...toe, toe - while pointing to his own feet.
I thought....what the heck. So I painted my little mans toes. After I was done I was blowing on them so they would dry quickly and of course Brady brought his foot up to his mouth and started helping with the blowing. Ryan of course was mortified when he got home and saw his sons toes. He also told me to not blog about it or let anyone else see them. Sorry Honey!!!
I think he looks cute!!!

I apologize for the close up of my horrible looking feet!!!


Anonymous said...

They look GREAT!!! Clear nail polish is always a good alternative :)

David and Brianna Strong said...

Tell Ryan it's okay because Dave let's me paint his toenails too (remember?). It's becoming more manly I think... no? Maybe not :)