Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our rugrats!!!

Its cooling off a bit and went outside to play the other day with our girl Paige. It always seems to end up that the kids get in the water or get so dirty that we just hose them off! Here are some fun pics of the kids running around naked.

Also went over to Jills house the other day and just started shooting some pictures of the boys while they were outside. We are trying very hard to learn our cameras and be in control but, I think we have come to realize and discover that the auto in our camera has a lot more experience than we do. Just some fun photos of our rugrats to share!!! Enjoy!

This is some heavy duty armor that Matt has made for Branden!!!!

My Logan is such a cuddly little guy!!! I just love it!!!


Grandma said...

WOO HOO -- she's back, Lins is back. Halleluah!!!! Paying that ranson so she would be released from her captors and once again able to BLOG more than once every 3months was worth every dime. :-)

I see Branden has been knighted -- must we now curtsy and call him Lord Branden of Dahlia Street?

Mighty cute kids!!! :-)

Grandma said...

Hey -- put that Blackberry down and blog!!!! :-)

The Cook Fam said...

Love the pics of the boys in the buff. So super cute!

Unknown said...

Very nice

Anonymous said...

I love to fuck their tight asses and cum in there hard! Would also love to see their balls to suck them off and wank them until they cum all over me!! I love seeing little kids naked!!!